Hidden cam - wife getting ready for work

Posted by: My Wife

Jan 12, 2022

Starts in her pj's, she changes into pants and then takes off her shirt, you see her tits for a few mins then she continues getting ready to head to work.

Recent Comments for Hidden cam - wife getting ready for work (30)
  • Just saw this rust
  • Your wife is a damn sexy woman. Love those tits and those big nipples. Thanks for sharing.
  • Sexy woman, lovely tits!
  • Great vids. Keep em coming!
  • Excellent!!!
  • Very nice tits!
  • Sexy lady with great tits! Next time get her undressing and for God's sake - edit the damn video!
  • I personally wouldn't do it because it would most likely result in sudden death on my part if I got caught Lol! 
  • Amazing nipples under that shirt. Even better when the shirt came off! What a treat!
  • Nice tits but boring!
  •  Thanks for sharing  your amazing wife's beautiful breasts! You are one lucky bastard having such a beautiful pair to nibble on Looking forward to see more, do drop me a line Ralph T vwfan1966 @ yahoo . com
  • Rocky420, she did find it, in a different spot, about a week after this video was taken. She handed it back to me without saying a word. I put it back in her closet the next day. She tried to cover up for a day or so but back to normal now. I don't think she really cares :)
  • Gotta tell you, I thoroughly enjoyed it.. Very Much Voyeurweb/HC material. But don't do it. She will find it (they always do) and then you'll be in the dog house and the dog sleeping with her.. Talk to her and discuss openly... Then share with the rest of ;
  • Wow nice tits !
  • She could have tidyed up first , nice tits 

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