
Posted by: Laura

Oct 21, 2014

Sailing boat

Recent Comments for Sailing (41)
  • I hope that when she went out the next time she omitted the bikini ; 
  • my two favs. sailing and a hot sexy woman on board.
  • We want some more ! Love your curvy body and outdoor pics are so hot ! Thanks for sharing
  • Careful, "Punisher," you'll scare "Little Bitch" and he'll threaten to call the police or get his gun again! LOL
  • nice breasts and I love the large assett
  • No, you wuss. If you wouldn't say it in public but say it here, it only shows that you're a cowardly fuck. Don't even try to act as if there's anything proper or just in what you do.
  • Still freedom of speech fuckturds!!!
  • Thar she blows!! Where be me harpoon lads?? Free Speech "penis-pusher:...or that's what was intended many years ago...
  • Full frontal nude please.
  • lol
  • Jerk not jersey
  • She would be fine without the ink.
  • Hey, "Little Bitch" is back! And what exactly is it for which YOU stand, "Little Bitch?" Your right to abuse women anonymously like the cowardly piece of putrid excrement you are? Your right to be a self-h@ting latent h0m0sexual who is acting out due to his inability to come to grips with his own sexuality? "The Punisher" is right . . . you are in serious need of someone caving in your skull.
  • Penisher, defender of the l@rds and
  • OMG!! that round ass is gorgeous!! i gotta see more!!
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